Garage Heating and Insulation Tips For the Winter

The items in your garage can become cold in the winter faster than anything else in your home. The garage will not be as well-insulated as other spaces around your home. You’ll have to use a few tips for insulating your garage the right way while also ensuring the place can stay warm.


Points For Heating

To start, we need to look at what you can do when heating up your garage during the winter season. There are many sensible things that can be done to ensure your place will stay warm.

1. Installed a heated garage floor surface

You have the option to get a heated floor installed on the bottom part of your garage. The heated floor will include filler sand and a reflective liner on the base. A series of flexible pipes are added over the space. The pipes can link to a heating space in your home. Concrete is applied on the top to complete the full seal.

Your heated garage floor surface should provide you with enough coverage for your space and for keeping your floor warm. Seeing how the floor is often the coldest spot in your garage during the winter, this effort should work well. But you must watch for how you’re going to get the heated surface ready, as the process is more expensive to complete than other methods for getting your garage heated.

2. Look for a comfortable heating unit you can install near the top part of the garage

A heating unit can be installed in the top area of your garage. The heater can come with a traditional blowing unit or with an infrared heat source. Either way, the design should link up to a gas source or other feature in your garage for power. This option can help you out and will also be less expensive than what you might find elsewhere for your heating needs.

3. Install electric ceiling panels on the top part of your garage

Electric ceiling panels are appealing for offering simple heat while also cooling off fast when you don’t keep them on. A panel is rectangular in shape and about one inch thick. The simple design of the panel makes it easy for you to secure and plug into any source. You can also get many of these panels linked up together if you need them arranged that way.

The best idea for using these panels is to apply them over a space that you might utilize often in your garage. This could entail a space over your workbench.

Insulation Points

You must also look at how well you’re going to insulate your garage. Proper insulation is needed for seeing that your garage stays comfortable during the winter season. More importantly, the heating sources that you might apply in the winter will keep your place warm for as long as possible.

1. Replace your weather-stripping materials

The weather-stripping items around your garage should be replaced at the start. Review the strips around the windows and your garage door, not to mention any manual doors that lead from the garage to outside the home. Replace anything that appears to be cracked or worn out. The effort should ensure that gusts or air will not be as likely to move into your garage during the winter.

2. Add insulating materials inside the walls

The insulation materials around your garage can wear out after a while. This is especially the case for fiberglass materials. You would have to review the quality of your insulation and then replace any insulation that has worn out. This will help you to heat your space efficiently. While new fiberglass materials are fine, you could also look for foam injections.

You’d have to review the steps involved with getting the insulation materials ready though. You can talk with a professional installer to help you with getting the new insulation compounds added inside the walls if you are not certain about what you should be doing here.

3. Review how well the garage door is organized

Your garage door needs to stay functional and aligned. Review the quality of your door to figure out that the surface is managed well:

  • Check on the door’s alignment. A door that is not aligned well might not close all the way, thus allowing some air to move in through a small space.
  • See how well the panels on your door are laid out. You might need to add some insulating factors around your panels.
  • See if the glass features on your door are working well. These glass features, if your door has them, should be found around the top part of the door. The glass should have enough sealants around its corners while also being fully secure. Anything that is cracked should be replaced.

You can always talk with a professional garage door maintenance expert for help with repairing your garage door if needed. Handling the task on your own can be dangerous, what with the springs being so tight and the weight of the door itself possibly being too much of a burden for you to handle on your own.

4. Install attic baffles if you have an attic surface on the ceiling

Attic baffles are convenient things for you to add in your garage if applicable. Baffles are foam or plastic chutes that allow air to move from the outside space to exterior vents. The baffles allow the air inside your garage to move out well, thus keeping cold air from being stuck for long. You can also keep moisture from developing in your garage when you get these materials added. Again, these only apply if you have a garage with an attic on the top part.

5. Replace any old windows around your garage if needed

You need to review how well the windows around your garage are functioning. The problem with many older windows is that they can wear out after a while. These windows can stop functioning because the insulating gases inside their panes might run out. A window’s glass panes can also experience cracks and other disruptions after a while, thus making it harder for these materials to stay functional.

You don’t have to replace your windows for years after they are first installed. But you must notice how well these windows are working and that they are sealed well enough. You’ll need to replace them altogether in cases where the air around the space is going through.

One Last Word

Each of these tips for keeping your garage insulated and heated during the winter season should help you with keeping your place feeling comfortable. You can ensure that your garage will be relaxed and comfortable during the toughest season of the year when you apply the right insulation items and when you keep a good heat source ready. This is all about keeping one of the most important parts of your home protected throughout the toughest times of the year.